Katrien-25 -  - VISION & MISSION

Vision & mission

I found my passion for psychology through a fascination with the intricacies of human decision-making. The study led me to the systemic perspective, revealing the interconnectedness of everything—both visible and invisible elements in constant development.

As humans, our continuous exchange shapes us; we are in perpetual evolution. Our identities aren't static but are heavily influenced by relationships and the surrounding world. This prompts thought-provoking questions: How do we navigate these interactions? How do relationships influence us? What, beyond relationships, is ever-present? What defines our essence, and what role do all our relationships play in its development?

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My pursuit of answers unfolds through systemic work, personal growth, and awareness training. Along the way, I discovered the potency of nature and ancient wisdom, complemented by the ever-present teachings of life.

The quest's intensity contrasts with the simplicity of the found answer. My essence is an inner sanctuary, a fount of tranquillity and delight, always accessible and urging to be lived. Venturing into the world from this energy, taking my place among people imparts a sense of purpose and meaning.

I identify as an 'explorer of the inner landscape.' As a psychologist and coach, I aspire to be a companion on your journey of inner discovery, inspiring and supporting you in revealing and nurturing your innate strength and wisdom.

Your question extends an invitation to embark on our inner expedition together. The answer embodies your enthusiasm, revealing your true self.

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At Expedition U, my activities have honed expertise in the systemic perspective, personal development, and existential themes. While Expedition U is a personal initiative, it thrives within a network of collaborative connections—far from an isolated entity.

My professional journey involves weaving a network of engaging collaborations and enriching exchanges. Collaborating with experts who passionately amalgamate and share their knowledge results in a synergistic offering, bringing out the best for you.





Expedition U 
Coaching Towards Enthusiasm

An expedition is an endeavour, a journey of exploration or discovery.

U represents the uniqueness within each of us
Who you truly are and the desire to be recognised in that.

U also symbolises our universal longing for connection
To feel that you belong, just as you are.

Enthusiasm refers to your joy in life
experienced when you find purpose and meaning in life.